December 6th
But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.
galatians 4:4-5
This is one of the most underrated passages of Scripture in the Bible! At face value, you might look at it and say, "I've seen this verse a million times," but you may not have fully understood the gravity of what it means. We need to understand a few things here to fully grasp the miracle that this is.
Let's unpack it a little bit…
The first thing to note is that God has a Son, and His name is Jesus. He took on human flesh and was born of a virgin—Miracle #1. Jesus' virgin birth affirms His divine origin and fulfills God's promise in Scripture.
Then, He was born under the law because He is the only one who can keep the law perfectly, and that is what frees us from the penalty of sin. If Jesus had not taken on human nature and lived under the law, we wouldn't have a Savior who understands us deeply and our struggles. But because He did, He is able to perfectly fulfill the law on our behalf.
This Scripture is a confirmation of our freedom and gives us confidence that we can put our trust in God, knowing that He sent His Son to be both fully God and fully man for our sake.
-corey goss